Whenever you walk into a room with a lighted aquarium, you are immediately drawn to its beauty and you want to stare at it longer. That's why it is …
5 Best Sponge Filters for Betta Tank
Sponge filters are among the many kinds of filters out there that are meant to clean up a fish tank. They are usually praised for their easy setup and …
What is the Best Heater for 10 Gallon Tank?
Tropical fish, unlike other species that you can put in your tank, may require a specific temperature for them to live properly. This is because they …
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Best KOI Food for Growth and Color 2020
Koi fish are often pond dwellers and they have an exciting array of colors. They are often very relaxing species of fish and are kept by those who …
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What is the Best Filter for 5 Gallon Tank?
Cleaning a fish tank can be serious business. Not only do fish excrete waste products, but algae also sometimes inhabit the tank, which can make the …
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What is the Best 20 Gallon Fish Tank in the Market?
Fish tanks or aquariums can vary in size depending on the species that you are going to take care of. If you are a beginner at fish keeping, you may …
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