Keeping fishes happy and helping them to survive is not an easy task. Like humans, fish need a clean environment to thrive on so that they will less likely catch diseases that may be fatal to them.
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As a pet owner or keeper, it is important that you keep your aquarium clean. But how do you do this if you’re always on a busy schedule?
Aquariums can be cleaned manually by temporarily taking the water out and the fishes on one side. However, this may not be the case for people who live busy lives.
The solution: have a powerful aquarium filter that can help keep the water clean, or at least reduce the waste and pollution that the fish emit as they swim.
There can be many dirt and debris that may not be easily picked up when you manually clean the aquarium. In addition, the water can get dirty easily if you don’t have a filter yet. Filters are essential if you have a large aquarium at home and if you have a lot of fish inside.
Most people may not like using disposable aquarium filters because they may be a bit cheaper but can add up to costs in the long run. This is why you may need the best canister filter for aquarium to help speed up the cleaning process, especially for a large-sized tank.
Top 10 best canister filter for aquarium
We handpicked ten of the best canister filter for aquarium in the market for you:
1. Polar Aurora 4-Stage External Canister Filter
Rated for use in 200-gallon fish tanks or less, this one would be great for medium to large aquariums. Its best benefit is that it allows you to install up to 4 filter media at once with its different trays.
The spray bar is also adjustable if you want to direct it somewhere that will not disturb the fishes. In addition to that, this would be a great canister filter for goldfish due to its just-right size for both the filter and the spray bar.
The pump has a self-priming feature so there is no need to manually siphon it, which can be a hassle for some pet owners.
In addition to that, if you live in a place that’s prone to humidity, causing algae and mold spores to appear more often, you can use the 9-watt UV sterilizer to kill off such contaminants that can make your water murky and polluted.
It is also a good canister filter for planted tank due to its variation in filter media choices, such as ceramic rings, activated carbon, bio-balls, and the like. Its built-in pump has a max flow rate of 525 GPH, which can be sufficient for 200-gallon tank sizes.
Things We Liked
- Runs quietly
- Not very expensive
- Durable motor
- 4 media trays available
- UV sterilizer for algae spores
Things We Didn’t Like
- Needs an inlet cover to avoid sucking small fish
2. Polar Aurora 3-Stage External Aquarium Filter
With a flow rate of 264 GPH, this one is intended for smaller aquariums with a tank size or capacity of 30 to 75 gallons.
If you are new to canister filters, this may be a starter kit for you, since it is not too expensive and can be quite easy to install. Its 3/4-inch hose size that can reach up to 4.6 feet is good for most fish tank setups in terms of installation.
If you need to aim the spray bars differently, you can do so by using its 360-swivel components to make sure that the water flow doesn’t get disturbed inside the aquarium.
There is also an O-ring on the filter cap to make sure it is locked in place so that the filtered dirt and debris don’t go leaking out of the unit.
When you order this filter, it also comes with free filter media as well as a UV lamp, much like the 4-stage unit that we mentioned above.
If you are having trouble with the plastic clamps, you can easily replace them with any makeshift or store-bought clamp.
Things We Liked
- 3 media trays available
- Not very expensive
- Self-priming pump
- O-ring prevents leaks
Things We Didn’t Like
- May not work well with 20-gallon tanks
- Not as quiet as the 4-stage unit
3. Fluval FX4High Performance Aquarium Canister Filter
Do you want a canister filter for turtles? This one can do the trick, especially if you have a 55-gallon tank. This is because filters need to be thrice as powerful in rating as its actual tank placement if you want to use it for turtles.
Rated with a pumping capacity of 700 gallons per hour, this one is easy and a no-brainer to beginners at canister filters with its self-starting and smart pump feature.
The tall design with a size of 16.5 inches is not very intrusive and can fit under most tanks. You also get free filter media when you purchase this kit.
Its smart pump also allows you to make quick water changes without having to sweat – just use the hose output and it will do the rest.
It also has an automatic evacuation of trapped air that releases every 12 hours so that you don’t have to manually release it, unlike with other canister filters.
Things We Liked
- Self-priming feature
- Easy hose connections
- The spray bar is very flexible
- Has a water change port
Things We Didn’t Like
- Some filter media may not fit well due to limited space
- The hose clamps may not work on thick tanks
4. Penn Plax Cascade Canister Aquarium Filter
If you are looking for a canister filter for saltwater, this may be a good choice for you. In fact, it is good for both freshwater and saltwater tanks with a capacity of up to 150 gallons.
With a flow rate of 315 GPH, this one also allows you to pick different filter media (included in the kit) to adjust accordingly depending on your intended filter needs for your aquarium.
The kit also comes with all hardware needed, such as the hose and plumbing parts. Its water return method has two configurations: spray bar or directional spout, so that you can set up the filter depending on the fishes that you have in your tank so that they don’t get disturbed with too much water flow or current.
Setup time is roughly about 30 minutes so it is less of a hassle. You can also prime it easily with its push-button mechanism – great for those who are beginners on canister filters. The filter media included are carbon, coarse sponge, and floss pads.
Things We Liked
- Adjustable flow control valves
- Multi-stage filter
- Easy to install
- Quick push-button primer
- Works for both saltwater and freshwater tanks
Things We Didn’t Like
- Not ideal for tanks with low height
5. Fluval Canister Filter, FX6 Filter
This canister filter for freshwater, as well as for marine aquariums, can work well for up to 400-gallon tanks, making it ideal for large aquariums and fish.
It has a head height of 10.8 feet so it may be ideal for taller tanks in its design. Using its smart pump technology, you don’t have to work hard in maintaining the filter media.
You also don’t have to worry about forgetting to clean the components – it has its own maintenance reminder. It also has an automatic release function for trapped air every 12 hours to minimize maintenance for you. With a height of 21 inches, up to 5.9 liters of filter media can be put inside the filter basket.
Things We Liked
- Optimized pre-filter foam insert
- Multi-stage filter
- Instant release basket handles
- Fits well on most aquariums
- Durable and powerful motor
Things We Didn’t Like
- May not be ideal for small fish due to pressure
- Can be quite expensive
6. ZooMed Nano 30 External Canister Filter
Great for small aquariums such as those with a 10-gallon capacity (up to 30 gallons), this one can be used for both freshwater and marine aquariums and is easy to set up with its hose-connecting device. Its spray bar is also adjustable while the priming system is also a breeze to do.
It has a flow rate of 160 gallons per hour so it may fit most tanks. Being a multi-stage filter, you can also choose the order of the filter sponge, carbon, and bio-ceramic filters included when you install the filter. The profile of this canister filter is not very intrusive for most aquariums.
Things We Liked
- Easy priming
- Adjustable flow control
- Minimized noise due to anti-vibration bushings
- Media filter included
- Not very expensive
Things We Didn’t Like
- The canister lid can be hard to open sometimes
7. Aqueon QuietFlow 155/400 Canister Filter
Preloaded with different filters, it accepts up to 4 filter media at once on its multi-stage filtration. It is okay for tanks up to 155 gallons in capacity and comes with various connections to adjust to your preferred setup for your aquarium.
Since it is easy to assemble, it will be fine for those who are new to installing aquariums or let alone canister filters. You can also order additional parts from the manufacturer or get replacement parts from them due to its great customer service.
Things We Liked
- Easy to assemble
- Good customer service
- Multi-stage filtration fits 4 filter media
- Connections and outputs for manual water filter returns
Things We Didn’t Like
- Some spray diffusers may arrive broken (just call their customer service for this one)
- No self-priming feature
8. Sunsun Hw304B 525GPH Pro Canister Filter Kit
Yet another filter with a UV stabilizer to kill off bad bacteria and algae spores, this one works well for aquariums up to 150 gallons in tank size.
It already comes with filter media to fit the 4 media baskets in the unit and its self-priming pump allows you to easily set it up on first use.
Because of the high power rating of 55 watts, its motor is great for medium to larger tanks that need more filtering power.
Since it is a sealed unit, even when there is a power outage, it will not leak as much (make sure you apply petroleum jelly). Also, if you are looking for a canister filter with a lot of media capacity, this may be for you.
Things We Liked
- 4 media baskets available
- Pre-loaded with filter media
- Has a UV sterilizer
- Self-priming feature
- Can be used on both freshwater and saltwater aquariums
Things We Didn’t Like
- Intake and discharge plumbing could be better
9. OASE Indoor Aquatics 55146 Biomaster 350
With its 4-stage filtration, this one can be used for aquariums up to 90 gallons in size. The unit is lightweight, easy to install, and not very intrusive when you place it under your aquarium.
Since it doesn’t make a lot of noise, you’ll find yourself relaxed with the fishes. The unit is backed by a 3-year warranty.
Things We Liked
- 4 media trays available
- Self-priming feature
- Compact design fits most aquariums
- Runs quietly
- Good for both saltwater and marine aquariums
Things We Didn’t Like
- A bit expensive
10. Aqueon QuietFlow Canister Filter 200 GPH
If you are looking for a small unit, this may be an ideal canister filter for 20-gallon tank, since it is rated for up to 55 gallons of fish tank capacity.
It also has the option for traditional water return methods due to its included connections and outputs. It is backed by a 1-year warranty.
Things We Liked
- Pre-loaded with filter media
- Multi-stage filtration
- Easy to install and take apart
Things We Didn’t Like
- The filter basket is smaller than those from other units
Frequently Asked Questions
After reading a canister filter review, you may start to wonder, how do I use this product? What are its benefits? We answer them below.
How do I pick the best canister filter for an aquarium?
As a pet owner or keeper, you should choose the appropriate canister filter that best fits your aquarium, or else you’ll probably waste money in something that might not work well for it.
Here are some of our criteria for choosing the ideal canister filter for your aquarium:
1. What type of aquarium do you have?
A higher flow rate for an aquarium filter may be advisable if you have a large aquarium at home (or in your pet shop). This helps the filter and the motor to save a lot of time in filtering the water in your aquarium.
Flow rates differ between brands and models, so you should make note of this if you want a more powerful filter.
Depending on the type of aquarium you have, you can pick a specific canister filter that’s fit for the job. For instance, a canister filter for marine aquarium can work differently from regular filters.
2. How do you install it?
Different canister filters can be installed differently. For instance, there are tall filters and there are ones you can easily hide in one of the cabinets.
Tall filters are okay if you have some space around your aquarium, but you can also choose a smaller one to hide it discreetly from sight.
These filters are usually easy to install if you look it up in the user’s manual – just make sure it’s not obtrusive to anything.
3. What about the motor?
A quiet motor not only helps fishes relax but it also helps other people around you to relax as well with less noise. On the contrary, your motor should also be powerful enough and durable so that it will be up for the challenge and not break easily. Pick a filter motor that does the job well but doesn’t get too noisy (and doesn’t heat up easily as well).
4. How big is your aquarium?
Different aquarium canister filters are rated according to the capacity of your aquarium. For instance, the smaller ones are for 10 gallons while big ones are rated 55 gallons or more.
If you pick a canister filter that is too weak for your large aquarium, it can suffer and eventually malfunction.
On the other hand, a higher-rated aquarium filter for a small tank may be dangerous if you have small fish because of its intense power.
5. Is it a well-known brand?
There are certain times that well-known brands of a product can make a difference over ones that are cheaply priced.
This is because they have been tried and tested by many fish keepers for years. You may ask a friend or your local shop on which brand is more popular for canister filters for aquariums.
6. What is your budget?
We all know that pet keeping requires some serious budget and not just time and dedication. Don’t go for filters that are too expensive when you are still starting out – just buy one with the right power that you actually need for your aquarium to keep it clean.
7. How do you maintain the canister filter?
Ask the manufacturer if there are canister filter media available for purchase or if they are included in the product kit.
You should also ask how much the canister filter media costs. The installation of the media should be easy, quick, and hassle-free.
8. How does the spray bar work?
The spray bar is that part of the filter that sprays back clean and filtered water onto your fish tank. One important thing to know about the spray bar is that it should have the right pressure for your tank.
Higher pressure is okay for larger tanks, but for smaller tanks and small fishes, it may be a problem. You should choose a spray bar that is not going to be disturbing to the fish or anything else in the aquarium.
What are the benefits of a canister filter for an aquarium?
Some people may not like a canister filter because of its maintenance. But what exactly are the benefits to having this kind of filter as opposed to disposable aquarium filters? Here are some of them:
1. They’re good for large tanks.
If you are maintaining a large aquarium, it is important to have a canister filter to help lessen the water pollution caused by its inhabitants inside.
2. They can reduce nitrates and ammonia.
The filter media of canister filters are said to reduce nitrate levels, which can help your fish to stay healthier. Many pet experts say that too many nitrates can be poisonous to fish as it is to humans.
3. It allows you to choose your preferred filter media.
Unlike disposable filters, a canister filter can help you to personalize the type of filter media that you can use for your aquarium.
After all, different aquariums have different needs depending on their inhabitants. For instance, there can be a canister filter for goldfish, a canister filter for saltwater, for freshwater, and much more.
You can also reorder the filter media to suit the fish (or turtle) environment.
4. Tanks near the wall work well with a canister filter.
Because of its design, the canister filter works best for tanks that are set near the wall of your room, as compared to other filter types.
To wrap it up, our clear winner would be the Polar Aurora 4-Stage External Canister Filter as the best canister filter for aquarium due to its quiet operation, UV sterilizer, 4-stage filtration and filter media, durable motor, and inexpensive price.
While its power may be enough to suck small fish, you can just remedy this by putting a cover on the inlet, which is likely the case on most powerful canister filters, anyway.
Other filters are also worthy, but each of them is designed for specific purposes. For instance, some are best for saltwater while some are ideal for smaller tanks.
Remember to choose depending on your tank size and whatever criteria we mentioned above in our FAQ section before you buy a canister filter for your aquarium!